Capital One 800-955-7070 Phone Number

Updated June 15, 2023 – If you are being called by the phone number 1-800-955-7070, it is likely that Capital One is trying to contact you (assuming that the call is not someone spoofing Capital One’s number to scam you). The 800-955-7070 number is generally an anti-fraud number at Capital One.

For example, Capital One says on this page that you may call that phone number if your card is lost or stolen: “Reporting your lost or stolen card online is the fastest way to start the process of getting a replacement card. When you do that, we’ll deactivate your old card so no one else can use it, and you can tell us if there are purchases on your account you didn’t make. If you can’t complete the process online, call 1-800-955-7070.”

Also, on this page, Capital One mentions the phone number as the one to call if you want to shut down the card from additional charges: “You won’t be able to remove a person who jointly opened an account with you (known as a joint cardholder). However, if you would like to prevent further charges from posting to your account and restrict usage of the card, call us at 1-800-955-7070.”

So, assuming the number is legitimate when you see it calling you, 800-955-7070 is coming from Capital One.